Wednesday, September 24, 2008

to blog, or not to blog...

So, all this blogging by my friends has got me thinkin....(dangerous, I know)...maybe I should join in the fun! So (drum roll)'s my blog! Get excited.

I've tried this a couple of times in the past, successfully posted maybe 10 threads, then sadly the blog was lost and forgotten forever, never to be updated again. I'm not entirely sure why I have commitment issues when it comes to blogs/diaries, but it has been a problem I've never overcome. Well, I intend to change that, once and for all. Wish me luck!

Stay tuned...this could get interesting.


ms. ard said...

alright dude. you best keep this one going. i'll just keep bugging you to update until you do it, thus i'll be helping you to keep this thing going!!

i love you friend. a lot.

Paige said...

katydid, you better keep this one updated. i want to hear about your life -- i miss you too much not to! love you bunches!

soooo i should be expecting another entry by the end of the week, right??