Thursday, October 16, 2008

it's the end of the world as we know it

Now, it's no secret that my absolute favoritest (yes, favoritest) book series on the whole planet is Harry Potter.  (I still cling to the hope that one day, J.K. Rowling will break down and write the 10-part continuation of the saga that I KNOW is sitting there in brilliant brain.)  But there is another series that has captured my imagination and heart that I'm not nearly as vocal about as I should be.  

The Left Behind series is amazing.  For Christians and non-Christians alike.  For those of you unfamiliar with the books, it is the fictional account of what things could be like when the not-so-fictional (if you are a Christian) Rapture occurs.  It follows 4 main characters who have been "left behind" after the rapture of all the world's Christians takes place.  They go through a lot in this 12-part series as they battle Satan's forces on earth (i.e. the Anti-christ and his minions) and become unapologetically strong Christian leaders in what is left of the world and society.  Pretty sweet, eh?

What I love about this book is how real they make the end times for the reader.  Revelation is famously vague and prophetic about how the world will end.  It reads more like a science fiction novel than a specific warning about the bad things to come.   Left Behind takes the notions laid out in Revelation and tells a story about how it could happen.  And they follow scripture very closely, so it's pretty accurate.  Obviously, it doesn't claim that this IS the way it will happen, but it does provoke your thinking about the signs the Bible lays out and how they might manifest themselves in real life.  And let me tell you, it's SCARY.  It really makes you want to be dern sure that you are going to heaven so that you can just skip over that whole armaggedon thing.  

I just think everyone should read it - even to just entertain the thoughts of a time when God will outwardly demonstrate his power and it will be impossible to deny his existence - it really is an eye-opener and makes you think.  As exciting as that still makes me a little anxious. Especially how things are looking right now in the world...this whole thing may not be very far away.  I feel like we're on the brink.  I have that nagging restlessness that you feel when you know something big is about to happen, but you just don't know when exactly.  It makes you feel, well, unprepared.  Makes me second-guess myself and my standing with God.  Which is a good thing, because it helps to keep ourselves in check.    

So, PLEASE do yourself a favor and read the books.  I have most of them, so I can lend them to you if you don't have the money to buy them or you've lost/inadvertently destroyed your library card (those little lamenated paper cards NEVER seem to stay in one piece after a few months in your wallet).

peace be with you.

1 comment:

Paige said...

changed the domain name for my blog

it's now

thought some creepers were reading it! add it to your page