Friday, October 24, 2008

this just in...

A friend whom I told about the story below found an article on the Fox news website that explained the girl made up the entire story.  It says she has a history of mental issues and is being charged with misdemeanor filing of a false report.

Here's the link: Fox News

While this story proved to be false, not only does it reinforce my statement that there are freaking nut jobs out there, but it does not take away from the point I was trying to make.  The media is still biased (funny how the only part of this story that was ever reported on was when it came up that she was crazy and made it up - a good 48 hours after the "incident" - now it looks very bad for McCain because she was a campaign volunteer and was obviously trying to pull a stunt to make Obama look bad).

Whatever.  November 5 can't come soon enough.


Paige said...

ughhh i totally agree about the bias. you NEVER hear anything negative about obama, but everything related to mccain is dogged. i'm sick of this election too.

ps thank you so much for the sweet comment you left on my last post. i know i couldnt have gotten through mine and evan's break up if it wasn't for my dear friends who listened. you were one of the main ones. i love you katie!!

Austin said...

sucks she would do that but at least it's a fake....
still i am sick of the political media!