Friday, October 24, 2008

what's black, white and biased all over?

Last night driving to pick up my friend Terri for dinner, I heard a flash of breaking news story on the radio.  Almost no details were given, just a brief announcement that a very disturbing story had just come into their newsroom.  

The announcer said that a 20-year-old Charlotte woman was mugged and mutilated due to the fact that she had a McCain/Palin bumper sticker on her car.  Her attacker proceeded to carve the letter "B" into her forehead with a knife.  (assuming the "B" stood for "Barack")

That's all he said.  Then a lame commercial for a car dealership came on.  

And that's all I ever heard about this truly frightening story. No details, no explanation of why she was attacked, how they knew it was because of the bumper sticker, her current condition, nor the whereabouts of her attacker.  Just those brief couple of sentences was the only bit of information I got.  But it made a big impression.

So, I hopped on the internet when I could to Google the hell out of it.  I checked every local news station website I could find, including the radio station's site where I heard about the incident. NOTHING.  Not a word.  Anywhere.  You'd think with such a horrific and disturbing crime occurring in our back yard, it would be front page news.  WRONG.

I want to be clear about this.  I am in no way shape or form faulting Barack Obama for this.  Obviously, there are nut cases out there, both liberal and conservative.  (Crazy has no political affiliation.)  No one is responsible for the actions of some psycho except the psycho him (or her) self.  What I am pissed about is that this incident seems to have been swept under the rug. A girl was robbed and MUTILATED because she was exercising her right to free speech.  WHY in the world is this not on the front page of every news website?  (I have not had a chance to look at any of the physical papers, but if it's not on the website, I doubt it's in print.)  I hope and pray that I'm wrong, but I have a sneaking suspicion that this story is no where to be found because of the ridiculous bias of nearly all media outlets.  

I can't help but think that if this had nothing to do with a politics in this really intense time, that it would be a top story.  But it is no secret that 99% of all publications out there are very liberal.  This story looks very very bad for Obama (even though people should realize it has nothing to do with him).  So...if they are decidedly supporting him (whether they admit it or not) then why would they report on something that puts his name in a negative spotlight?

One thing that is a top story on a few websites I looked at:  Today, The New York Times officially offered their endorsement for Obama.  Honestly, I didn't even know they could DO that!  What happened to the idea that journalists are supposed to be objective and fair, presenting the news in an unbiased fashion?  And to think, the media is where the majority of voters get their information on the candidates and their views!  I have no problem with journalists and media executives having their personal political views, and if that's supporting Obama, that's fine.  But they have an obligation to be objective when giving information to the public.  So much for that.  No wonder so many people are confused.  No one is giving us straight facts - it's all slanted BS.

I apologize if this post seems...angry.  It's because I am.  But not at any of you :)


Austin said...

the media makes me want to throw up.

that story is sickening,

seriously, what ever happened to free speech?

Paige said...

i heard about this on the news this morning...completely insane! the reporter was saying how they were pretty sure it was fabricated because the B was carved backwards, something someone could only do if they carved it in front of a mirror. people are nuts!!