Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I apologize for the lack of posts lately.  I have been up to my eyeballs in projects and deadlines at work and by the time I get home, I don't even think about checking email or blogs.  Honestly, I'm freaking out a little bit on the inside about work.  I have more to be done than I have ever had, I think.  There is so many things that have to be done, like, NOW, and there just aren't enough hours in the day to do it all.  I constantly have this twinge of panic that picks at my stomach when I think about what all I have to do, and the consequences if I don't make it happen.  I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and I just have WAY too much stress in this job.  Way too much put on my plate.  I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of to-do lists and it's impossible for me to climb my way out.  I don't get paid enough for this kind of anxiety.  Every day gets me closer to seriously sitting down and Googling my fingers off to find a new one.  Honestly, the other day I got so overwhelmed, I decided to take a break from what I was doing and do a quick 5 minute search.  I think I found something that sparks my interest...so I may look into that.  I don't know...wish me luck.

In other news, I'm on the third book in the Twilight series, Eclipse, and it is really good so far too.  I'm so happy that I got turned on to these books because they are just so amazingly good.  I'm really glad too that so many other people are getting into them to - I like to be able to talk to people about books.  I know that Austin reads Harry Potter too, and so should the rest of you!  I think if like Twilight, you'd really be into it!  

Alas, I must get back to work now.  I just had to vent a little. 


Paige said...

I'm sorry you're so overwhelmed at work. I know how it feels not to enjoy what you're doing for a living. If you're that unhappy, I totally think you should look into something else. You owe it to yourself to be happy. Like you said, if you're not getting paid that much on TOP of being way too stressed out, then those are two very good reasons to find something else. You're so intelligent, ambitious, and hard-working that you won't have a problem getting another job. I wish you luck, my friend! Oh, and I'm excited because I think I'm gonna be seeing you and Brooke this Saturday. Yay!!

Anonymous said...

I must say I felt like you were typing my exact thoughts about being overwhelmed with work! I don't think any job is worth that kind of anxiety!! I'm also readin Eclipse now. I don't know what I'll do when I finish the series. I don't think I could go a day without some Edward in it. LOL!

K-toot said...

Thanks for the encouraging words Paige!! It means a lot. I hope we both get into something we like better. I'm excited to see you this weekend!!!!!

haha ME TOO. I think I'll probably just have to start re-reading the series when I finish! I hope your work gets better too!

What say we all quit and move to a remote desert island and start all over? Anybody with me?

Austin said...

if you've already started looking for something else in the midst of job chaos then it seems you probably really need something else.
you owe it to yourself.