Friday, January 16, 2009

make a girl say SHOOP

(the title is an ode to a post Paige made a while back...still makes me laugh out loud thinking about you singing that whole song by heart!)

Holy Moses.  I just read Paige's blog where she mentioned that Vanessa Hudgens might be in New Moon.  So...immediately I google this to get the scoop.  Apparently, it has been rumored that she auditioned for the part of Leah Clearwater.  I kinda hope she doesn't get it.  I can't really see her as anyone but Gabriella Montez...and I like the fact that it is mostly unknown/lesser known actors in the movie.  Makes them more believable as their characters.

On that note, I saw a link to an Access Hollywood video interviewing Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black) about returning to play Jacob in New Moon.  For a while, they were thinking about recasting the part because Taylor looked too young and Jacob goes through a massive growth spurt in New Moon.  He's supposed to get more muscular and look 26, so they were gonna try going with a new, older actor.  But, yay!  They decided to stick with Taylor apparently because he was willing to work on his look in order to keep his part.  And oh my stars....he is doing a good job.  (I don't know what he is saying because I'm at work so I had to have the sound muted.  But honestly...I don't think I'd be paying attention to what he says anyway...)

SHEW.  Those abs are DANGEROUS.  I will always love Edward and think he's I could never understand why people were team Jacob.  But now I think I'm starting to understand.


Austin said...

i m SO glad they kept him as Jacob!

Paige said...

I'm glad they're keeping him as Jacob, too! There was a huge article in last week's Entertainment magazine about all that. It just wouldn't be right to put someone in his place. He's so cute I could just eat him up! Twilight is perfect the way it is -- like you, I'm hoping they don't put any big named actors or actresses in it. I'm a little behind, but I bought Eclipse tonight. So excited about reading it later!!

Austin said...

i'm kind of a dork and i m not sure if my new blog link will show up so here it is just in case: