Monday, January 12, 2009


In the words of bella swan...holy crow! (does that bother anyone else?!) There is no excuse for the amount of time I have let lapse since my last post. For some reason, the blog has, of late, been crammed into the back of my mind. I don't know why...maybe subconsciously I had run out of things to say. Not sure. But alas, my absence on blogger has come to an end. To catch up...

...has anyone else seen this commercial? It makes my heart happy.

So I was on the radio this morning. I know, random, right? It was just on our local talk radio, which sadly doesn't have a ton of listeners. I had to talk about an upcoming community art project we are putting together. I was really nervous. Like...really really nervous. But once I did it, it was soo easy! I don't know if it was the interviewer just being good at what he does, or that I was just being heard and not seen (no worries about needing lip gloss or that my hair is lookin flat). But it was cool. And so the morning show guy asked if I would be interested in making a monthly appearance on the morning show to give updates on what's happening in the arts. Pretty cool! Maybe I've missed my calling in life. (When I took that dumb ASVAB test in high school, it did tell me that I should become a DJ). Oh well, for now, I will settle for just being in marketing, and maybe one day I'll have my big break in radio. Haha!

I watched part of the Golden Globes last night. For the most part, it was sorta eh this year. The one really great thing was that they gave the Best Supporting Actor in a Drama to Heath Ledger. Honestly, even if he was still alive, they'd be crazy not to give him that award. That is one of the best performances I have ever seen. I have never witnessed an actor transform himself into a character the way he did. He was definitely going to have an incredible career after that movie. I'm glad that they are giving him the honor he rightfully deserves. (On a lighter note, don't you know it would suck to be one of the guys nominated in the same category. I mean, I know they probably feel honored to be recognized alongside such a great actor as Heath, but you know that part of them is like "damn, i don't have a shot in hell of winning this. oh well, there's always next year.")

So I was checking Yahoo News! today like I always do...and I notice that one of the top, featured stories is about how Barack Obama's epic hunt for a dog for his daughters has been at last narrowed down to two breeds. La.Tee.Da. My initial reaction to this being a top story is "who the hell cares? - why is THIS one of the top stories?" But after a few minutes of pondering why on earth this is considered breaking news, I realized that I should be thankful for this being at the top of the page. Nearly all of the headlines surrounding it (not counting the best/worst dressed photo galleries from the Golden Globes - which you should check out...cause wtf was Renee Zelwegger thinking!?) were horribly tragic stories: the dive-bombing economy, thousands dying in the Gaza Strip, freak shark attacks in Austrailia, the Panthers' embarassing playoff loss, etc. At least the media is trying to keep some small ray of sunshine in the black sky that is world news. So with that, I am happy to report that the new first puppy will be either a labradoodle or a portuguese water hound.

seacrest out.


Meaghan said...

I friggin hate labradoodles. I don't know why. I've never seen one. I just don't like the damn name. Labradoodle. What the f.
I think the news leaves much lacking in way of prioritizing...

K-toot said...

Haha I KNOW!! That name is awful! It's one of these new breeds they call "designer dogs" like a yorkiepoo (yorkie and poodle mix) or a puggle (pug and beagle mix) It's kinda strange...cause they are creating these strange new breeds of dogs.

I think it was in a movie or something where the best one was...a bulldog and a shih tzu....a bullshit!

Paige said...

i'd never seen that commercial but MY GOD, is it NOT cute? wow. love it! i think you and cory have great ideas about weddings. i'd like a christmas wedding, too. christmas would add a special element to it. i LOVE the idea of having friends make song requests...that's a really cool idea! i can't believe you were on the radio! that's nuts...AND the fact they offered you a regular gig. how many people can say they've done that?! you're awesome, ktoot!

Austin said...

what a cute commercial!
designer doggies blow.

i finished eclipse last night....excellent!
can't wait for book 4!
let's make another girl date this month with the ladies.
thank you for your kind comment about my work,
you're one in a million.

Meaghan said...

Hahahaha that designerdoggies site is good for a laugh! Schnoodle!
The guys I share an office with think I'm nuts because i just laughed out loud when I'm supposed to be doing important things like reading articles or analyzing data...

Paige said...

i cant stand women who think they're the S carrying around their designer dogs in ugly little purses. PUKE!

K-toot said...

haha meaghan your comment made me laugh because i do that all the time!! i'll be reading someone's blog when i get utterly bored/frustrated/annoyed with what i'm working on, so i take a little break. i have busted out a loud guffaw-type laugh at someone's blog once and they looked at me like i'd lost my mind. i tried to cover it up as a cough.

the designer dog this is just....weird. when i worked at petsmart, this one lady came in and cussed out my boss for allowing magazines about those type dogs to be sold in our store. very entertaining!

yes and we must have another ladies night!

K-toot said...

this* should be thing in the 2nd paragraph. yay typos!