Thursday, September 25, 2008

1001 ways to...

...have a threesome all by yourself. Say WHAT?

While in Target tonight, Brooke and I had an interesting (and quite hilarious) conversation that I thought I would share. Passing by the magazine stand on the way to the checkout, I decide I want some reading material. Soo....I ask Brooke's advice...Cosmo or Glamour? She immediately picks Glamour, pointing out that Cosmo always has some ridiculous article explaining things like the 143 different ways you can -ahem- "please yourself" and other things of that nature. This made me laugh out loud.

If you have ever read a Cosmo, you know just what we are talking about. Whether you like the articles or not - you have to admit - many of them are comically outlandish. Like the cover you see to the left - "Dirty Sexy Sex." .....the title says plenty. It probably explains, in detail, ways you can max out a booty session, like putting peanut butter on your eyelashes or lubing yourself with grape juice. In all seriousness, I read one article about "solo sex" and one reader, anonymous of course, admitted to masterbating using the arm of her living room rocking chair. I don't even know how that is logistically possible. Moreover, I just wonder who actually has a crazy sex life like the one portrayed in these articles. Does anyone ACTUALLY freeze their condoms or mount mirrors in 360 degrees around their bed? I'm not entirely sure I wanna know...



ms. ard said...

HAHAHAHA!!! "lubing yourself with grape juice"...too funny.

seriously though, i just can't read cosmo. i am not concerned with all the freaks in the world and what they do behind closed, or who knows, maybe even open doors.

Paige said...

this has got to be one of the most entertaining blog entries i've read in a LONG time! i agree, cosmo is all about some crazy sex stuff that NO ONE (i'd hope) would ever attempt or actually be successful doing. but katie don't lie, you know you're the "anonymous" one who wrote in about the arm chair pleasure! haha jk!

K-toot said...

haha ooh yeah that was me! i've gone through 5 slipcovers so far...

jk of course!