Monday, September 29, 2008

dolla dolla billz ya'll

So today, my bank, Wachovia, was bought out buy Citigroup due to this crap-filled, swirling toilet bowl we call an economy. All this has got me thinking about money...and how really stupid it actually is. At the moment it's causing more stress for folks than uncontrollable gas on a first date. And I hate it.

Nothing stinks more than having to worry about money, and when I started thinking about it today, it really makes no sense to me. I mean, especially with us turning into a cashless society, everything we depend on to live is some number in a computer. That's it. Most of the money that I own is in my bank account, which is in reality, just a number in some database somewhere. One typo, one zero could make or break my life. That's a scary scary thought. And it makes me feel really stupid for caring so much about it. But we're forced to because everyone else does. And that ain't gonna change.

I'm not sure if any of this made much sense - all I know is that I'm just tired of money bringing me down. Boycott!

(ok, can't really boycott money. but it's the thought that counts)


K-toot said...

Apparently Blogger hates this post, thus the f'ed up font. Many apologies.

Paige said...

katie, i couldn't agree more that this whole money thing is ridiculous! it's funny you say that money is nothing but a number because we use cash. i thought the same thing today! all of my money isn't actually "real". my money is a number on a screen that the bank uses to pay its own debts. ive honestly considered just withdrawing all my money and dealing with it the old fashioned way. btw, i LOVE this part: "uncontrollable gas on a first date'

Austin said...

goodness, i am feeling these frustrations too!
i really don't want to find myself buried in this endless hole of money and materialism.
Keep your chin up ladies, we could always resort to tents in the woods with trout and mountain water..jk.

are you considering changing banks? i too, have wachovia and a credit card with them. from my understandings it sounds like its mainly just shareholders of wachovia harshly affected..but still its all confusing.

K-toot said...

haha yes i'm all for living on our own island or in the mountains and forgetting all this crap in the real world!

yes i think i am gonna stay with wachovia for now. my parents asked our cpa what he thought and he suggested staying with, because citigroup is now the biggest bank in the country, and that's a good thing. he said not much should change for us, so i think i'll just stay put and see what happens.

Paige said...

looks like i'll be staying put too!