Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What is art? Are we art? Is art art?

Given that I work in an art gallery, we often hear debates on whether or not a piece of work is considered "art" or not. Each piece that comes through our place is obviously subject to scrutiny by, well everyone, but some works have people honestly questioning its place in an exhibition.

One such debate began last week and resumed this week. We have an affordable art show coming up next month, and we are accepting work to be hung (and sold!) in the show. This show is going to be marketed with an event where people are supposed to show up with their checkbooks ready (its only a week long show and it's going to be relatively inexpensive art, which is a deal not to be passed up as art usually costs a pretty penny). One thing about this show is that the work in it is unjuried (if you are unfamiliar with art jargon, that means that we accept all work submitted, without review by a committee to be accepted). That said, we have LOADS of really accomplished and well-known artists submitting stuff for the show, whose work normally sells for triple or quadruple what they will be charging for this show.

One co-worker and I joked that we could ourselves create a piece of work and submit it to the show. We are by no means "artists" in that we do not regularly create art nor do we consider ourselves particularly artistically talented. But then we got to talking, and we said we could at least try to make something, and if we thought it was decent, submit it to the show. I mean, why not right? One of our other co-workers, however, said she wouldn't do that because she was not an artist and thought it would be wrong to submit something she had done as legitimate art. She said she would feel terrible if someone paid money for her work. However, the first co-worker argued that it didn't matter who did it, that if someone liked the work enough to buy it, then there was nothing wrong with that. After some back and forth banter, they could not come to a consensus.

SO, I thought I would take a poll. Do you think it would be wrong to submit a piece of work to this show, if you do not consider yourself an "artist"? Knowing that there is a good chance that someone would buy it, take it home, and hang it in their house. If you were a person coming to a show to buy some affordable art, would you be mad/upset/disappointed if what you purchased was done by someone who had never done a serious painting before in their life?

Please, please, please be honest. I don't know exactly what my opinion is yet, thus my posing the question to you all. I would really appreciate and value any thoughts you have on this.



Paige said...

I think there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with a non-artist submitting art to an art show. like you said, art is completely subjective. i say, if the buyer likes the piece he is buying, then is shouldn't matter either way. i can't see the argument that's being made by the other woman you work for.

ms. ard said...

i dont think anything is wrong with it. i mean if you like it and want to buy it, then why not.

on the other hand, its according to the person's stance on what art is. if someone thinks that art is only a product of a "different soul" displaying the inner feelings of themselves or others in some way that makes you think for ages about what it means, then maybe people would get upset if they bought something and found out that a "non-artist" made it. but then again, aren't we all capable of being artists?

honestly, i don't think there is an overall answer. i think it depends on what each person considers art.

tough one.

Austin said...

every person is in control of their creativity and all have it to use for whatever reason you want.
do it!
to be accomplished at anything you spend the time, money, heart to do something you feel you're good at, this goes for artists and anyone else.
you don't have to be a professional artist to be artistic.
submit, you might surprise yourself!

Austin said...

ps, take pictures of show!

K-toot said...

thanks for you input folks! it's really good to hear your thoughts. and i agree with all of you. i *may* submit something...honestly it will come down to whether not i have time to do anything. but if i do, i will almost surely put something in. and hey...if any of you want, there is no fee to submit. You all could enter something too! Austin you and Chris should totally send some of your photography (they don't have to be framed, they can be matted). And i will def. take pictures of the show and post them. should be an interesting show!

again, very many thanks for your thoughts! <3 you guys!