Tuesday, October 28, 2008

food for thought

Please watch this...wow.

Barack Obama has recently fallen under scrutiny due to the notion that he is not a natural-born citizen of the US. His grandmother says that she was present in the hospital room in Kenya when Obama was born, which would make him ineligible to be president.

Since this information has come out, the governor of Hawaii has placed a seal on Barack Obama's birth certificate, so that no one but himself or his family can access it. The Kenyan government has also placed a seal upon any documents they possess regarding Obama. Strange, huh?

Please watch the video. Then read my thoughts below:



SO. It's no secret that I am a McCain supporter. But I don't see how anyone could deny that this is S-H-A-D-Y. Yes, the lawyer in the video could be wrong. He admits that. But WHY is he, along with the Hawaiian and Kenyan governments, hiding information? To me, the simple fact that he is hiding information is enough to send up a ton of red flags. Not saying that all politicians are 100% honest 100% of the time, but if he had nothing to hide, why hide something that would be simply be put to rest by a simple showing of a document?

No matter how you choose to vote, PLEASE make sure you are informed before you make that decision. Please know exactly why you are voting for who you are voting for. I know we hear this a gazillion times a day, but this is the most important election in history. Something that important warrants more research than listening to a few other people's opinions here and there.

T-minus 7 days. Hold on to your butts...it's gonna be a rough week.


Paige said...

i havent heard about this yet! yeah, the fact that they're withholding information is fishy. i decided a week or so ago that i was voting for mccain too. this kind of crap just supports my decision. i do not trust barack obama. thanks for posting this.

K-toot said...

thanks paige! i hope you are feeling better!