Saturday, November 1, 2008

all hallow's eve

So, I didn't know that I would be doing anything on Halloween night until the night before Halloween. Thus, this did not leave me a lot of time to get together a costume, seeing as I had to work all day. So I fervently Googled "last minute/easy halloween costumes" and tons of posts about hundreds of costume ideas. But one in particular stood out to me, mostly because I thought I could pull it off to some degree: a bat costume made from an old black umbrella. Here's what it was supposed to look like:

Looks pretty cool, right? And I just so happened to have a broken black umbrella that I had been too lazy to throw away. So, I did it. I cut it up. And, much to my dismay, it looked completely ghetto (Brooke laughed pretty hard at me). So, I wore my Panthers jersey and went as a football player. All-in-all the costume turned out pretty good for something last minute.

We went over to a friend's house for the evening. A big group of them were going to go out to Charlotte later that night, but Cory had to work in the morning so we couldn't go there. While we were waiting for some more folks to arrive, we watched The Hills Have Eyes....on Telemundo. As it turns out, watching a scary movie with bad Spanish dubbing is HILARIOUS! You should give it a try sometime.

After people went to Charlotte, the remainder of us were left to figure out something to do. After driving around to several local hangouts to find that they were hopelessly dead (no halloween pun intended) and NONE of the places were serving food, someone suggested that Hooters was open late AND served food until closing. JACKPOT. I can honestly say that I had never ever been to Hooters until then. There were not many people in there. One group of older guys came in but were thrown out by a police officer for bringing in their own alcohol. Idiots. This was our waitress' costume:
Honestly though, it was not raunchy at all. And the wings were freaking delicious. If you get a hankerin' for some good wings, I would recommend Hooters.

Random, random night. But very, very fun. Hope all of you had a great night as well!


Paige said...

oh this looked really fun!!!! i can totally see the potential in the bat costume -- but i can imagine what it must have looked like for brooke to make fun (she's pretty cruel sometimes, huh?) i have never heard of telemundo -- i need to check that out sometime. i've also never eaten at hooters, either!! i had heard the wings were really good. i'll have to give them a try. remember when candice worked there? fun times!

Austin said...

this sounded like fun!
i love the bat idea and i love hooters wings, no shame, ha.