Thursday, November 6, 2008

I solemnly swear...

...that I will no longer post about this election.

My last post was a very raw, emotional response to the events of the night of November 4, 2008. 

Thus, the warning/disclaimer that I gave at the beginning of the post.  I did not want to fight or argue with anyone about it.  I needed a way to vent the frustrations that were wrapping themselves around my heart so tightly I thought it would burst.  I was not trying to offend anyone, or make them mad or angry or whatever else.  I was just trying to be real and have a last moment to say what I was feeling while I still could.

I've come to realize that posting about political things does nothing but make people bitter, resentful and just plain hateful.  I suppose that's what tends to happen in very emotionally-charged situations.  People get easily offended.  I know I probably do a little easier than I should.  And maybe sometimes I come off a bit belligerent.  I don't mean to - I am usually very unconfrontational.  I've never been this emotional about politics before, so it's all I can do to contain my thoughts.  So, I've decided to just stop.  It's nothing but a waste of breath (or web space in this case!)  

So, I've said all I can/will say.   I'm sick of being disgusted and angry.  I'm tired of hearing that I'm wrong.  I'm tired of feeling that no matter how much I speak my mind, I will always feel that my opinion is an unwelcome one.  I officially consider myself blue in the face.  

My white flag is waving.  I surrender.

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