Tuesday, November 25, 2008

bite me

For some reason, I REALLY want to see the movie Twilight. Like, really really want to see it. I've never read the books or anything, so I don't know much about the story. But ever since the trailer came out, I have wanted to see it.

Plus, the lead vampire is smoking hot. That doesn't hurt.

I've recently come to the realization that I am a reality TV junkie. I watch WAY too much of the stuff. And it's way past the whole "I'm not going to watch American Idol this season, just the auditions" and then get sucked in for the whole season. I'm totally addicted to the most ridiculous shows (i.e. currently Paris Hilton's My New BFF, Scream Queens, Rock of Love Charm School, the Pickup Artist 2... the list goes on and on.) I can't help it - I don't know exactly what it is about them. Maybe because the people on there are so crazy and messed up, that it makes me feel better about my own life. Sometimes, I admit, I get embarassed admitting that I watch these shows. I feel like they are sometimes so silly and outlandish, how can I be so crazy about them. Anyone feel me on this?

Aight, gotta get back to work. Seacrest out.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

making something out of nothing

It's been about a week since my last post...so I'm a little overdue for another one.  However, I really just don't have much to talk about!  Nothing particularly interesting, nothing funny or unusual.  So I'll do what I can to make this an interesting entry.  

I got some new boots this weekend that have been met with mixed reviews.  But I love them, and that's all that matters.  (Plus they were only $20 at Payless - yay for bargains!)

I also got another new toy this weekend - a new cell phone.  (wewt)  It's the same one that Brooke has...cept mine is lavendar, hers is black.  

I loooooove my new phone!  It's got a little keyboard that pops out to make texting way easier. (Which, if you've ever seen me try texting on a regular phone - you know that I am the slowest texter on the friggin planet, so this is amazing).  I also found out that my dad switched us to unlimited text messages, so I can blissfully text my life away.


This makes me laugh out loud.  In case you can't read what's below the headline, it is a quote saying "we had no idea anyone was buried there."  Wow.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

musings of a bored girl

I am taking vacation days both Thursday and Friday of this week.  It's only Tuesday and my mind is already on vacation.  I can't seem to concentrate on anything I need to be concentrating on, just because I am so stoked about my week.  Part one of why I am excited/distracted:

If you know anything about me at all, you know that one of my favorite shows on the friggin planet is So You Think You Can Dance.  And tomorrow, on MY BIRTHDAY nonetheless, Terri and I will be going to the SYTYCD tour in Charlotte!   I'm not sure that it's possible for me to be more excited.  If any of you watched the show this season, there was a totally adorable contestant named Twitch, who I totally wanted to win the show.  (Sadly, he did not, but he came in 2nd, which is pretty great if you ask me.)  Here's a video of him if you missed it:

He did some other dances on the show that were incredible, but I can't post them all.  So just go to YouTube and enjoy.  Notice the shirt he is wearing in the video.  Terri and I are going to make replicas of that t-shirt to wear to the show.  We will look bad-a.

Then, after the show, I will be going to GameStop for the midnight release of the new World of Warcraft expansion and proceeding to play non-stop until my eyes quit on me and my clicking finger develops a callus (okay, not really.  but i will play a lot).  It's gonna be awesome.  For those of you who don't know I play WoW, I have one character at max level and another about to be.  I sooooo wish I had a picture of my character to post, but I don't.  

Yes, I know I am a nerd.

And Sunday, I get to go to a Panthers game!!  Because I am a non-profit employee, I get the special treatment at Sunday's game because one of our main sponsors is taking us.  Yippee!  I get free food and great seats.  As long as the Panthers don't suck, it should be a pretty dang good day.

Great birthday week!  Hope you all have as good of one as I know I will have!


this is the biggest f'ing cat i have ever seen.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

the here and the now

So Brooke and I went to a really amazingly awesome concert tonight here in Rock Hill. My friend Linh has a real passion for music and has a particular talent for bringing in great musical talent for shows. Tonight, in downtown Rock Hill, she put on "An Evening of Gospel, Pop, Soul and Jazz". First off, the Freedom Temple Ministries Praise Team performed. I got goosebumps. Their powerful and soulful music, praising God, was moving and beautiful. It was hard to not get up and start dancing in the isles. The Rock Hill High Gospel Choir performed too, and they were great. Really really talented young people.

I just said "young people." Wow. I must be getting old. Look out...I might start telling stories about when I was a little kid I used to have to walk to school, 3 miles in the snow, with only my stirrup pants, hiking boots and fanny pack to keep me warm.

Back to my story about the concert. The main act tonight was a duo from Nashville called Sam & Ruby. I LOVE them. They are pretty much amazing and I think you should give them a listen and see if you agree. www.myspace.com/samandruby They have a song on the soundtrack to The Secret Life of Bees (It's out right now, but I haven't seen it yet. Ruby mentioned that Alicia Keyes was surprisingly a good actress. Somehow I find that difficult to believe, so I may have to see for myself.) I think these two have a very very bright future. Just thought you should know about them so that if you like them as much as I do, you can enjoy their music.

That is all for now.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I solemnly swear...

...that I will no longer post about this election.

My last post was a very raw, emotional response to the events of the night of November 4, 2008. 

Thus, the warning/disclaimer that I gave at the beginning of the post.  I did not want to fight or argue with anyone about it.  I needed a way to vent the frustrations that were wrapping themselves around my heart so tightly I thought it would burst.  I was not trying to offend anyone, or make them mad or angry or whatever else.  I was just trying to be real and have a last moment to say what I was feeling while I still could.

I've come to realize that posting about political things does nothing but make people bitter, resentful and just plain hateful.  I suppose that's what tends to happen in very emotionally-charged situations.  People get easily offended.  I know I probably do a little easier than I should.  And maybe sometimes I come off a bit belligerent.  I don't mean to - I am usually very unconfrontational.  I've never been this emotional about politics before, so it's all I can do to contain my thoughts.  So, I've decided to just stop.  It's nothing but a waste of breath (or web space in this case!)  

So, I've said all I can/will say.   I'm sick of being disgusted and angry.  I'm tired of hearing that I'm wrong.  I'm tired of feeling that no matter how much I speak my mind, I will always feel that my opinion is an unwelcome one.  I officially consider myself blue in the face.  

My white flag is waving.  I surrender.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

the only constant is in this world is change

I'm just going to warn you. You may not care to read this if you are celebrating tonight, November 4. I am utilizing my first amendment right to bitch - be angry, annoyed, disappointed and utterly disgusted. I know it won't change the result of the election, but I need to vent my frustrations. If you don't wanna hear it, then please, don't read the following.


I'm not going to lie - I'M PISSED. When Katie Couric on NBC said that Barack Obama had reached the magic number of 270 electoral votes, I honestly felt like I was going to throw up. My heart broke for McCain and Palin, for our country, for the 47% of America who were praying fervently for a miracle tonight. All I hear is that Barack is the first African-American president. That's all. In an instant, it doesn't seem to matter about what he stands for or what he says he will do as president - all that matters is the color of his skin. Although, to be completely honest, for many voters, it seems like the color of his skin was all that ever mattered. It pains me to think that some of those votes were cast for no other reason than race. Since when has someone's race had anything to do with their ability to lead? I believe fully that a black man, or a man/woman of any race can lead the country as well as anyone else. But if it doesn't matter, why must people make that seem like the most important factor?

The entire time leading up to this election, I have felt a horrible, ominous feeling. I believe the promises of "change" that have been dangled in front of us like meat in front of a hungry dog (for a ridiculous and overindulgent $400 million in advertising) are empty and void of any real substance. I have yet to hear any REAL change that is planned, other than the reckless and dangerous immediate removal of troops from Iraq. I feel like the Obama/Biden campaign has feasted on the fear of the American people in these hard times, telling them just what they want to hear without giving any logical arguments to anything. I feel like the American public has had the wool pulled over their eyes quite a bit in this campaign, and I am very scared at the dishonesty of the man we just made president. I am, above all, very afraid and feel as though we need God more than ever to pull us through what lies ahead.

I pray for Obama. That he understands the gravity of what has just happened. That he takes time to come off the elation I know he is experiencing and really grasps that the lives of millions will now depend on decisions he makes. I hope he understands that he cannot do that alone and needs to rely on God to guide him in leading this country. I pray that he is a praying man.

Whew. I feel a little better. Now I'm going to bed. Maybe this is all a bad dream...

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

all hallow's eve

So, I didn't know that I would be doing anything on Halloween night until the night before Halloween. Thus, this did not leave me a lot of time to get together a costume, seeing as I had to work all day. So I fervently Googled "last minute/easy halloween costumes" and tons of posts about hundreds of costume ideas. But one in particular stood out to me, mostly because I thought I could pull it off to some degree: a bat costume made from an old black umbrella. Here's what it was supposed to look like:

Looks pretty cool, right? And I just so happened to have a broken black umbrella that I had been too lazy to throw away. So, I did it. I cut it up. And, much to my dismay, it looked completely ghetto (Brooke laughed pretty hard at me). So, I wore my Panthers jersey and went as a football player. All-in-all the costume turned out pretty good for something last minute.

We went over to a friend's house for the evening. A big group of them were going to go out to Charlotte later that night, but Cory had to work in the morning so we couldn't go there. While we were waiting for some more folks to arrive, we watched The Hills Have Eyes....on Telemundo. As it turns out, watching a scary movie with bad Spanish dubbing is HILARIOUS! You should give it a try sometime.

After people went to Charlotte, the remainder of us were left to figure out something to do. After driving around to several local hangouts to find that they were hopelessly dead (no halloween pun intended) and NONE of the places were serving food, someone suggested that Hooters was open late AND served food until closing. JACKPOT. I can honestly say that I had never ever been to Hooters until then. There were not many people in there. One group of older guys came in but were thrown out by a police officer for bringing in their own alcohol. Idiots. This was our waitress' costume:
Honestly though, it was not raunchy at all. And the wings were freaking delicious. If you get a hankerin' for some good wings, I would recommend Hooters.

Random, random night. But very, very fun. Hope all of you had a great night as well!