Monday, December 1, 2008

and so the lion fell in love with the lamb  Like, whoa.  If you haven't read Twilight, please PLEASE do so.  Also, you need to go see the movie.  I don't think I can even put into words how awesome they are.  Edward Cullen...holy crap.  Perfect man.  (cept the fact that he drinks blood.  minor detail)  I never thought I'd say this...but Harry Potter has some stiff competition as my favorite book series.

Whew.  Now that that's out of my system, I'll continue.  I've realized that I never really divulge about the happenings of my life in my blog.  My posts are typically about a specific thing that happened or an idea or something that's been on my mind, etc.  But I think I'm the only one who doesn't really catch anyone up on what's going on with me.  I love hearing about what is going on with everyone else, so maybe I should give that style of blog a whirl.  

So, today I've got to make two appointments.  1) A haircut appointment.  My hair is looking a HOT mess and I simply can't tolerate it any longer.  2) Doctor's appointment.  I believe that I have a condition called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).  It's where the sphincter (*giggle*) at the top of your stomach that keeps your stomach acid, well, IN your stomach, doesn't function properly and some of that acid backs up into your esophagus.  Over the years, I've had loads of digestion and stomach issues, the most alarming of which is my "episodes" that I have at night sometimes.  I wake up about an hour after I go to sleep, shaking uncontrollably, my teeth chattering, and I'm so nauseous that I feel like I might die.  Either after a little while of sitting by the toilet or throwing up (whichever comes first) I feel better and can go back to bed (of course feeling like crud in the AM).  This has gotten increasingly worse recently, along with unmistakable heartburn following each episode, as well as heartburn often after eating and laying down.  I read online that these symptoms sound a lot like GERD, so I've deduced that I need to do something about it.  I got kinda nervous because I read (stupid WebMD!!!) that if this goes untreated for long enough, you can develop something where the acid starts to actually burn holes in your esophagus and you could die.  Not good.  So, I'm gonna go talk to the doc and see what he's got to say.  Wish me luck!

Thanksgiving was really good and fun.  I got to go to NC to see my grandma, aunt, uncle and my two adorable cousins Elijah and Finnian.  We had a fabulous dinner in this really cool lodge in Hendersonville overlooking the mountains.  Speaking of mountains, we got a mountain of food on our plate.  Turkey, ham, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, mashed potatoes, yams, green beans, salad, rolls, and carrot cake.  Whew!!  I thought I would die from how much food I jammed into my stomach.  Alas, I survived.  My mom and I tried to go shopping on Black Friday.  We didn't go out until 9am so the crowd wasn't too bad (all the 5am people had already spent all their money I guess).  We got in on some pretty nice sales and I got some cool stuff.  We didn't stay out too long because my mom didn't sleep well the night before and after walking into Abercrombie to look at something for my brother, I got a raging perfume headache.  That place is ridiculous.  Not only does the heavy scent suffocate you when you walk in, but you are surrounded by naked people.  Okay, not NAKED naked, but pretty close.  There were several men's buttcracks visible.  One time my mom and I went in there and there was a picture of a guy's pelvis with jeans so low you could literally see pubic hair.  WTF?  Since when is that even legal?  

Then Brooke and I hung out on Saturday for her birthday.  Georgia and South Carolina lost.  Boo.  We went shopping.  Better!  We saw Twilight.  AWESOME!!!  So that was fun.  So far, things are pretty dang good if I do say so myself.


Austin said...

i think i've got to read this "twilight" series...

on thanksgiving my younger cousin who is like 16 had on a edward cullen shirt, i was like geez what is it what with this guy?! i guess the movie guys cast the right dreamboat...ha

glad you had a happy thanksgiving!

i think you, paige, brooke and i should plan on a dinner night out when we move back, like somewhere cool and right after the start of the new year. you dig?

K-toot said...

yes, i dig! that would be lovely! I'm looking forward to it!

I wonder where I can get one of those edward cullen shirts.... :P

Paige said...

i'm glad you updated us on your life! i must admit, hearing about twilight from you and brooke definitely made me go out and buy it. i've only read three pages so far, but i plan on doing more tonight. dang, i really hope you don't have GERD...that sounds intensely painful. I hate that nauseated feeling, i can't imagine feeling that way often. i hope you get that straightened out. your thanksgiving meal sounded really good and i'm jealous you got to spend thanksgiving in the mountains...what a DREAM!!