Tuesday, November 25, 2008

bite me

For some reason, I REALLY want to see the movie Twilight. Like, really really want to see it. I've never read the books or anything, so I don't know much about the story. But ever since the trailer came out, I have wanted to see it.

Plus, the lead vampire is smoking hot. That doesn't hurt.

I've recently come to the realization that I am a reality TV junkie. I watch WAY too much of the stuff. And it's way past the whole "I'm not going to watch American Idol this season, just the auditions" and then get sucked in for the whole season. I'm totally addicted to the most ridiculous shows (i.e. currently Paris Hilton's My New BFF, Scream Queens, Rock of Love Charm School, the Pickup Artist 2... the list goes on and on.) I can't help it - I don't know exactly what it is about them. Maybe because the people on there are so crazy and messed up, that it makes me feel better about my own life. Sometimes, I admit, I get embarassed admitting that I watch these shows. I feel like they are sometimes so silly and outlandish, how can I be so crazy about them. Anyone feel me on this?

Aight, gotta get back to work. Seacrest out.


Paige said...

you and evan have that in common. he's a sucker for reality tv. he'd probably KILL me if i told you he watches paris' bff show religiously. haha i like reality tv, too...but i'm mostly into the real world/true life. true life RULES

ms. ard said...

saturday. im excited. woot.

ms. ard said...

edward can bite me ANYTIME he feels the need...shew.

K-toot said...

haha brooke. shew.