Wednesday, November 19, 2008

making something out of nothing

It's been about a week since my last I'm a little overdue for another one.  However, I really just don't have much to talk about!  Nothing particularly interesting, nothing funny or unusual.  So I'll do what I can to make this an interesting entry.  

I got some new boots this weekend that have been met with mixed reviews.  But I love them, and that's all that matters.  (Plus they were only $20 at Payless - yay for bargains!)

I also got another new toy this weekend - a new cell phone.  (wewt)  It's the same one that Brooke has...cept mine is lavendar, hers is black.  

I loooooove my new phone!  It's got a little keyboard that pops out to make texting way easier. (Which, if you've ever seen me try texting on a regular phone - you know that I am the slowest texter on the friggin planet, so this is amazing).  I also found out that my dad switched us to unlimited text messages, so I can blissfully text my life away.


This makes me laugh out loud.  In case you can't read what's below the headline, it is a quote saying "we had no idea anyone was buried there."  Wow.


Paige said...

i have that same phone in orange!!

we all think alike SO much

i like your boots, btw

Austin said...

haha that article!