Wednesday, November 5, 2008

the only constant is in this world is change

I'm just going to warn you. You may not care to read this if you are celebrating tonight, November 4. I am utilizing my first amendment right to bitch - be angry, annoyed, disappointed and utterly disgusted. I know it won't change the result of the election, but I need to vent my frustrations. If you don't wanna hear it, then please, don't read the following.


I'm not going to lie - I'M PISSED. When Katie Couric on NBC said that Barack Obama had reached the magic number of 270 electoral votes, I honestly felt like I was going to throw up. My heart broke for McCain and Palin, for our country, for the 47% of America who were praying fervently for a miracle tonight. All I hear is that Barack is the first African-American president. That's all. In an instant, it doesn't seem to matter about what he stands for or what he says he will do as president - all that matters is the color of his skin. Although, to be completely honest, for many voters, it seems like the color of his skin was all that ever mattered. It pains me to think that some of those votes were cast for no other reason than race. Since when has someone's race had anything to do with their ability to lead? I believe fully that a black man, or a man/woman of any race can lead the country as well as anyone else. But if it doesn't matter, why must people make that seem like the most important factor?

The entire time leading up to this election, I have felt a horrible, ominous feeling. I believe the promises of "change" that have been dangled in front of us like meat in front of a hungry dog (for a ridiculous and overindulgent $400 million in advertising) are empty and void of any real substance. I have yet to hear any REAL change that is planned, other than the reckless and dangerous immediate removal of troops from Iraq. I feel like the Obama/Biden campaign has feasted on the fear of the American people in these hard times, telling them just what they want to hear without giving any logical arguments to anything. I feel like the American public has had the wool pulled over their eyes quite a bit in this campaign, and I am very scared at the dishonesty of the man we just made president. I am, above all, very afraid and feel as though we need God more than ever to pull us through what lies ahead.

I pray for Obama. That he understands the gravity of what has just happened. That he takes time to come off the elation I know he is experiencing and really grasps that the lives of millions will now depend on decisions he makes. I hope he understands that he cannot do that alone and needs to rely on God to guide him in leading this country. I pray that he is a praying man.

Whew. I feel a little better. Now I'm going to bed. Maybe this is all a bad dream...

Don't say I didn't warn you.


Austin said...

Its okay that you're pissed or scared.

the fact that many people were overjoyed last night because he won,
and it really did seem to focus on the color of his skin
was true.
i think in that moment last night, we couldn't immediately move on into the hardships that may lay ahead for our country and our economy.
you have to admit it was a historical moment.
it doesn't matter that your not black.
you should be grateful that you as a woman have a choice. and just like obama highlighted last night,
this election and his presidency,
was a choice of the people.
people who want change and hope.
and you can't say that watching whether mccain's or obama's speech last night that you didn't feel a sense of hope.
a sense of people OUR PEOPLE coming together in celebration.

i ll also note that i had a hard time voting this year.
i think mccain is a VERY respectable man,
honorable and faith driven.
not to mention, he tireless efforts to make our country safe and a better place.

i can't deny that. obama couldn't deny that. and even the most ignorant, racist person still living like its the 1960's could deny that.
obama's speech didn't really hold upon the fact that he was black.
sure he was proud to be the first.
but his speech went directly from his gratefulness of the position into the warnings to Americans that what lay ahead isn't going to be easy or a brush off the shoulder.

He knows that. even if he isn't a government scholar like McCain seems to be.
I think all McCain or independents supporters that are upset over the loss,
should listen to what McCain said last night in that
we as Americans have to come together and look to the future,
and remember that coming together is the only
way to progress forward and make positive change for all Americans.

ms. ard said...

well i have to admit that i am freaking annoyed and more disappointed than I've ever been in my entire lifetime. i feel like our country is full of ignorant people who were given a lot of power yesterday. and they prevailed. not to say that everyone who voted for Barack was, that would be an ignorant statement from me. but like you said, those that just voted because of race, for EITHER side, made ignorant decisions. i feel that all of the white people who voted for McCain just because he was white were JUST as ignorant as all the others who voted for Barack just because he was black (not even fully african american...).

i dont feel like america looked at the real issues. and it's been proven that they didn't from many research studies done through the election. america needs change. if people dont know that, they are already blind. but i believe the change the asked for was more than what they bargained for. alas, i could be wrong and maybe it's a great thing. but that's not what my heart tells me.

and yes this was harsh because i am more upset than i've been in a long time.

K-toot said...

I'm not claiming to know the future, and NO ONE can know how Obama will be as president. I don't doubt that he will bring great change. I fully believe that. But no one can know if that change will be for the better or for the worse. All I know is that I can't be happy or o.k. with having someone that I don't trust running my country.

I know Obama's speech didn't focus on his race or that he is the first African-American president and I respect him for that. I was pointing out that race is all that so many others were focusing on.

Obama won fair and square. More people voted for him than McCain. I know I can't do anything to change that. And yes, my anger will subside. But like I said in my post, I reserve the right to get mad for a while. I want to be pissed and annoyed that I think the wrong decision was made without someone telling me I can't.

I would love to be proven wrong. I pray that I will be proven wrong. I would love to see our country grow stronger and better in the next 4 years. But if I thought that would have come from Obama being president, I would have voted for him. I feel as though he has been dishonest in many respects and as much as I try to see the positive side in his views, I feel that his plans will drive this country into the ground. But that's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. Like I said, I hope to God that I'm proven wrong.

Paige said...

took the words out of my mouth...

Austin said...

never knowing whether the change will be good or bad is the risk we take with ANY candidate.